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Hebrews 12:1 믿음의 경주

truth 2022. 10. 2. 08:11

Hebrews 12:1 믿음의 경주


New Living Translation

 Therefore, since we are surrounded /by such a huge crowd of witnesses /to the life of faith,
let us strip off every weight //that slows us down, especially the sin //that so easily trips us up.
And let us run /with endurance [the race () God has set /before us].

* since ; because

* 부역전구 /by such a huge crowd of witnesses /to the life of faith 전치사+명사/전목+형/전구+형/전구

* 관사 앞에 쓰이는 한정사 such

* 5 형식 let us [strip off every weight //that~]
* 목보/원형 부정사구; (to) strip off [every weight //that~], (to) run /with endurance [the race that~]

* 부정사  run의 목적인 명사구 [the race that~] 명+형절/주격 관대절 (관계사=선행사=주어)
* 타동사구 slow down ; to move slower, or to cause someone or something to move slower

               trip up : to cause (someone) to make a mistake 

* 부사구 so easily

* 부역전구  /with endurance



New International Version


Therefore, since we are surrounded /by such a great cloud of witnesses,
let us throw off [everything //that hinders] and [the sin //that so easily entangles].
And let us [run with perseverance the race /marked out for us],

* 목보인 원형 부정사구 (to) throw off everything //that hinders and the sin //that so easily entangles

                            (to) run /with perseverance [the race /marked out for us],

* 타동사구 throw off 벗어 던지다

to free oneself from, get rid of threw off his inhibitions, to cast off often in a hurried or vigorous manner

*  throw off의 목적인 명사구 [everything //that hinders], [the sin //that so easily entangles]. 

* run의 목적인 명사구 the race /marked out for us],

* 형역 분사구 /marked out for us 과분사의 수동 주체인 the race 수식 ; 우리를 위해 표시된



The Voice


So since we stand surrounded by all those //who have gone before, an enormous cloud of witnesses,
let us [drop every extra weight], every sin //that clings /to us and slackens our pace,
and let us [run with endurance the long race /set before us].

* 불자 보어인 형역 과분사구 surrounded by all those //who have gone before, 과분사의 수동 주체인 we 수식 

* 형역인 동격 명사구 an enormous cloud of witnesses = all those

                            every sin //that clings /to us and slackens our pace = every extra weight

* 형절 //that clings /to us and slackens our pace, 주격 관대절 (관계사=선행사=주어)

* run의 목적인 명사구  the long race /set before us

* 형역 분사구 /set before us 과분사의 수동 주체인 race 수식 ; 우리 앞에 놓여진


New King James Version


 Therefore we also, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us [lay aside every weight],

and the sin //which so easily ensnares us, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us,


* 관사 앞에 쓰인 한정사/형용사구  so great 부+형

* 타동사구 lay aside · 1. To stop being actively engaged with something 2. To abandon something



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