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Colossians 2:9-10 성자 하나님이신 예수님

truth 2022. 9. 29. 11:07

Colossians 2:9-10 성자 하나님이신 예수님


New Living Translation


For in Christ lives [all the fullness of God] in a human body.
So you also are complete /through your union with Christ,

who is the head /over every ruler and authority.

in Christ lives [all the fullness of God] in a human body.
= in Christ [all the fullness of God] lives in a human body.


* 주어인 명사구 all the fullness of God
* 보어인 형용사구 complete /through your union with Christ
* 삽입절/주격 관대절 who is the head /over every ruler and authority. (선행사=관계사=주어)


New International Version


For in Christ [all the fullness of the Deity] lives /in bodily form,

and in Christ you have been brought /to fullness.
He is the head over every power and authority.


* 주어인 명사구 all the fullness of the Deity
* 현제완료+수동태 have+been+pp

* 보어인 명사구 the head over every power and authority


The Voice


You see, [all //that is God], all His fullness, resides in His body.
You, too, are being completed in Him, the One //who has [dominion over all rule, all authority].

* 주어인 명사구 all //that is God 명+형절/주격 관대절 (선행사=관계사=주어)
* 삽입구/동격 명사구  all His fullness = all //that is God
* 수동진행 be+being+pp

* 비교 You are completed. 완성됨

* 삽입구/동격 명사구 ; the One who has dominion over all rule, all authority


New King James Version


For in Him dwells [all the fullness of the Godhead] /bodily;

and you are complete in Him, who is the head of all principality and power.


* 도치문 For in Him dwells [all the fullness of the Godhead] /bodily

           = For in Him [all the fullness of the Godhead] dwells /bodily; 


* you are complete 일반 형용사의 상태/특성 설명; 너는 완전하다

You are completed 수동동작이 관련된 상태설명; 너는 누군가에 의해서 완전해진 상태다


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