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Matthew 19:14 천국에 속한 사람

truth 2022. 9. 30. 06:14

Matthew 19:14 천국에 속한 사람


New Living Translation


But Jesus said, “Let [the children] [come to me].
Don’t stop them!

For [the Kingdom of Heaven] belongs /to those //who are like these children.”

* 5 형식 Let [the children] [come to me].

* 목보인 원형 부정사구  [to] come to me.

* for = because

* 부역전구 /to those //who are like these children 전치사+대명사+형절/주격 관대절

* 형절의 보어인 전치사구 like these children

* 어린 아이들의 순수함이 천국에 속한 특성이 아닐까?


New International Version


Jesus said, “Let [the little children] [come to me],
and do not hinder them, for [the kingdom of heaven] belongs /to such as these.”

* such as = like (such as는 격식적이고 like는 일상적인 표현임)

* 대명사로 쓰인 these = these people 앞서 언급된 그런 사람들

You can use this or these to refer to people, things, or events that have just been mentioned.


The Voice


Let the little children come to Me; do not get /in their way.

For the kingdom of heaven belongs /to children like these.

* 숙어 To get in the way of something ; to make it difficult for it to happen, continue, 방해하다

  문법적으로는 동사+전치사구이지만 숙어 의미로는 '방해하다'

* 형역전구 like these 앞 명사 수식


New King James Version


But Jesus said, “Let the little children come to Me,

and do not forbid them; for of such is the kingdom of heaven.”


*  of such ; of the same class, type, or sort
"Of" preceding "such" in this passage shares a similar context with the word "among".



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