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The perfect church service 완벽한 예배

truth 2024. 7. 3. 22:52

The perfect church service 완벽한 예배


A good shoe is a shoe () you don’t notice.

Good reading becomes possible /when you need no consciously think about eyes, or light, or print, or spelling.

The perfect church service would be one () we were almost unaware of;

our attention would have been on God.


* 보어인 명사구, a shoe (that) you don’t notice (목). 명+형절/목적격 관대절 (관계사=선행사=목적)

* 불자 becomes의 보어인 형용사 possible

* 조동사로 쓰인 need ; [modal verb] — used to say that something is necessary




A good 좋은 shoe 신발은 is a shoe 신발이다 (that) 그건 you 당신이 don’t notice 인식하지 않는.

Good 좋은 reading 독서는 becomes 된다 possible 가능하게

when 그때 you 당신이 need no consciously 의식적으로 think 생각할 필요가 없을 때 about eyes 눈이나, or light 빛,

or print 인쇄된 글자나, or spelling 철자를.


The perfect church service  완벽한 예배는 would be one 그것일 것이다 (that) 그건 we 우리가 were almost 거의

unaware of 눈치 못채는 ;

our 우리의 attention 주의는/관심은 would have been 있었어야 한다 on God 하나님께.
From Letters to Malcolm

Letters to Malcolm, Chiefly on Prayer. Copyright © 1964, 1963 by C. S. Lewis Pte. Ltd. Copyright renewed © 1992, 1991 by Arthur Owen Barfield. All rights reserved. Used with permission of HarperCollins Publishers.