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Isaiah 12:4 주님의 위대하심을 알려라

truth 2022. 9. 17. 08:44

Isaiah 12:4 주님의 위대하심을 알려라


New Living Translation


In that wonderful day you will sing: “Thank the Lord! Praise his name!
Tell [the nations] [what he has done]. Let them know [how mighty he is]!

* 4 형식 Tell [the nations] [what he has done].

* 직목인 의문사절 [what he has done] 그분께서 행하신 그 일

* 5 형식 Let them know [how mighty he is]

* 목보인 원향 부정사구 (to) know [how mighty he is]

  know의 목적인 의문사절 [how mighty he is] 그분께서 얼마나 위대하신 그것



New International Version


In that day you will say: “Give praise /to the Lord, proclaim his name;
 make known /among the nations [what he has done], and proclaim [that his name is exalted].

* 5 형식 도치문 
make [known /among the nations] [what he has done]
[what he has done] [known /among the nations]
* proclaim의 목적인 명사절 [that his name is exalted]


The Voice


You’ll want [to sing out] /that day,
 Give thanks /to the Eternal; call on His name.
Spread the news /throughout the world /of what He has done and how great is His name!


* 목적인 부정사구 to sing out

* 지시 형용사 that

* CALL ON (phrasal verb): officially ask someone to do something; visit someone for short time; decide to use something;
* 부역전구 /throughout the world,  /of what He has done and (of) how great is His name
* 전목인 의문사절  what He has done, how great is His name



New King James Version


And in that day you will say: “Praise the Lord, call upon His name;
Declare His deeds /among the peoples, Make mention /that His name is exalted.

* 의도/결과절  /that His name is exalted.


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