미국 NY 부르클린 타버나클 교회 설교-묵상글

The reality 실체/현실은 is Christ 그리스도이시다 (Hebrew 10:1-4)

truth 2024. 6. 16. 00:18

The reality 실체/현실은 is Christ 그리스도이시다 (Hebrew 10:1-4)

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제목 ; 2.23.24 | The Reality Is Christ - Hebrews 10:1–4 | Pastor Jim Cymbala

A lot of people don’t like to hear about the inferiority of the Old Testament. 

But the Word of God says that the Mosaic law is only a shadow, not the reality itself. 

The reality is Jesus! 

He calls us much higher than the Old Testament. 

Let’s serve God today not in the old letter of the law but in the newness of the Spirit, who gives us life.

Colossians 2:17 New Living Translation
For these rules are only shadows of the reality yet to come. And Christ himself is that reality. 

Now here's the senior pastor of the Brooklyn Tabernacle, Jim Cymbala.

Good morning, 'Gluten Morgan' as they say in Mines, Germany.

'Gluten Morgan' 

Did you ever hear this I'm just thinking today is, what day Steven is it today ..20...23rd.

Did you hear this one?

30 days have September, April, Jun, and November.

All the rest have 31 except February,

which has, see, I was taught, 28.

But I'm almost sure that this year, I don't understand the leap year,

I don't understand that, but I'm almost sure there are 29 days in February  this year.

There's going to be a February 29th.

Why do I say that?

I've no idea.

It just came to me.

February is ending, and that always makes me happy.

I like March, although it can be cold.

It means January and February are behind us.


(ough / interjection. ˈüḵ, ˈu̇ḵ / used to express pain or disgust.)

I know I sound like a baby, don't I,  but I'm not complaining.

I just don't like cold weather.

Am I allowed to not like cold weather? .. so..

But God gives us the four seasons

and we gotta thank God every day that we're alive.

We are in a new chapter, Hebrews 10,

Can you believe it?

Hebrews 10 so we have 11, 12, 13 and we're done.

Chapter 10, verse 1, the law, the whole Mosaic system,

is only a shadow of the good things that are coming,

not the reality themselves.

For this reason, it can never, by the same sacrifices repeated endlessly year after year,

make perfect those who draw near to worship.

Again he's harping on the insufficiency,

the inability of the Old Testament system,

although given by God to meet the need of the moment,

to bring salvation that comes only through Jesus.

* harp on (something) or Brit, harp on about (something) /informal/
: to talk about (a subject) constantly or repeatedly in an annoying way

They were all types and shadows and figures of the one who was coming,

the New Covenant,

the better covenant, which we gonna really get into in this chapter.

Otherwise, those who draw near to worship they're not stopping,

I'm sorry, otherwise would they have not stopped being offered

for the worshipers would have been cleansed once for all

and would no longer have to feel guilty of their sins.

But those sacrifices are annual reminder of sins

It's impossible for the blood of bulls and goats to take away sins.

There it is.

Verses 1 thru 4 in chapter 10,

everything in the Old Covenant is shadow,

pointing to the more complete, full, perfect covenant that we have through Jesus Christ

and that's why the sacrifices had to be offered over and over again


Because it was the blood of the animal that didn't clear your conscience.

That wasn't the once and for all sacrifice of Jesus.

So, otherwise would they not have stopped offering sacrifice

but the worshipers were reminded of their guilts every time they came

So, it's impossible for the blood of bulls and goats to take away sin.

You know a lot of people, I noticed, react poorly, if I'm preaching somewhere, or teaching,

or they even hear someone else's book or something,

about the inferiority of the Old Testament, the Old Covenant,

and they like, I stand for the word of God.

I do, too.

and I stand for the word of God that says the Old is gone, the New has come.

So, once again,

There is no command in the Old Testament that applies to you and I as Christians,

unless we find it repeated in the New Covenant (Testament).

구약에 있는 아무런 명령도 신약에 반복되어 명령된 걸 발견하지 못하는 한

그리스도인으로서의 당신과 나에게 적용되지 않는다

즉 살인하지 말라는 신약에 반복되어 명령되었기에 신약 신자에게 적용되지만

신약에 반복되지 않은 구약의 다른 명령들은 적용되지 않는다

No eating prohibitions,

No, you cannot make a house with a balcony unless you put a fence around it.

There's 500 and some commands

and God said to Moses to tell the people to obey all of them.

So, what right you and I have to pick some of them and not obey all of them.

Who, what preacher gave that permission slip?

No. 아니지

And all the holy days and the Feast of Trumpets...

That's not for you and me.

I know, but God said it. 알지만 하나님께서 그걸 말씀하셨잖아요

I know, but that was for them. 알아요 그러나 그건 그들에게 하신 말씀이지요

He also said that if someone caught on adultery, you stone him to death.

Do we do that?

or do we show mercy and try to point them to Christ?

I'm asking.

So, one day a guy was writing a book, a professor at a college,

and he was writing a book on the Old Testament.

And someone arranged for me to be contacted to write blur... uh.. combination of thing.

So I wanted to know what he.. what approach he's taking.

But I got the impression that he was writing that the Old Testament is sufficient in itself

to take care of our need of salvation.

And, I was like, no, NO.

God spoke... remember Hebrews 1?

God in the past has spoken through prophets and all of that

but now, in this day, He has spoken to us in His Son.

Remember that?

I hope you remember that.

I hope I remember it.

In the past, God spoke to our ancestors through the prophets at many times and in various ways

but in these last days He has spoken to us by His Son.

What God is saying today is, Jesus, not Jerusalem,

Jesus, not animal sacrifice

Not Yom Kippur, Jesus.

Not put down that uh pork chop, Jesus,

and the teaching of the New Testament.

By the way which calls us to much higher calling than the Old Testament, Ten Commandment.

Because Jesus in the Sermon on the Mount said you heard that it was written, 'Don't kill',

thou shall not murder, thou shall not kill,

but I say unto you, if you look at someone, and you're so angry at them like that, murder.

But the difference of this Covenant is those things that were to obey that

Jesus taught like love one another even as I loved you

is never in order to receive salvation.

It's because this is the way He wants us to live as His children,

because we have His salvation through faith in Christ.

comprende, no comprende,

Do you get it?

all important!

The whole Old Testament. let me read it again,

the law is only a shadow of the good things that are coming,

When the Old Testament says 'go be fruitful and multiply',

that's not written to you and me that we're supposed to have as many children as possible,

because that's not found in the New Testament.

The New Covenant, the teaching of Jesus,

then, the interpretation under inspiration of the Apostles writing the letters,

Romans, all the way through Revelation, and then the Book of Acts,

the history of the early church, the Gospels to the teaching of Jesus...

that's where we get our rule of faith and doctrine,

not from Moses,

not from Elijah, who went and slew a bunch of false prophets.

We don't kill false prophets.

This is how the church militant getting involved in political things.

They hate other people who disagree with them.

They wanna get rid of everyone who's migrant or Muslim or whatever.

All in the name of the Lord.

Like the Crusades.

They went over and wiped out Muslims and kill Jews in Germany on their way there

because, remember, the Jews killed Christ, why not wipe them out?

Yeah, that's why Jewish people have this very bad feeling about what Christianity stands for

in many cases,

because with the cross on the Crusader's vestment there,

They went, kill them in the name of the Lord, you infidel!

What bloodshed!

As if God care about retaking Jerusalem!

His kingdom is in su corazón.

It's in our hearts.

Praise God for Jesus!

and let's serve Him today,

not in the Old of the letter, the oldness of the letter,

but in the newness of our spirits that have been born again through Jesus Christ.

Have a blessed weekend.

See you on Monday.